GTB IT Solutions

IT for Dentists

Clean, Precise, Reliable, Friendly and Professional…

We’re pretty sure these are the qualities that your Dental Practice works to deliver to your patients, and it’s no coincidence that GTB supplies and maintains computer systems bringing exactly these qualities.

We understand that every day can be a busy day, the pressure of patient time appointments and the need to keep things moving easily and comfortably.

GTB works behind the scenes so you get your IT system designed and set-up, and then maintained and supported with the minimum of fuss, on time and without disruption to your practice. You get strategic IT advice to ensure your practice stays up to date, and backup and tested Disaster Recovery.

“Exact” Dental Practice Management Software –  Dentists, Dental Technicians, Reception and Admin staff all appreciate Exact‘s ease of use and comprehensive facilities.  We’d like to let you in on an (open) secret: we like it too, because it “does us out of a job” by being straightforward and reliable to set up, support and upgrade.

This means that we can offer especially competitive rates on our SureIT Full Service Agreement, as we know that we’re not going to have to fix problems related to your key software.

Our team is dedicated to helping you get the best return on your investment in IT by providing responsive, reliable systems that are up-to-date with the best available tools for your practice.

Make IT painless – Contact GTB now to discuss professional and cost-effective support.
