GTB IT Solutions

Transitioning Back to Self Employment: A Barrister's Journey with GTB IT Solutions

CASE STUDY - August 3rd, 2023


  • Steph decided to move out on her own as a Barrister. She had previously been a partner in a busy law firm.

  • Steph wanted IT to run her new small business efficiently and effectively. She wanted “wrap-around” support so that the IT works for her without distracting her any more than the minimum it needs to.

  • She would have two offices and needed to be able to work from either fully, as well as be mobile.


  • Steph had not used GTB before but knew them and knew she wanted them as her IT partner.


  • Support Steph during her period of transition and setting up the new business.

  • Help Steph decide on the best IT for her, and then supply and set up/configure, including:

    • A good laptop and hardware for two offices, including monitors, printers, etc.

    • Productivity tools from Microsoft 365 – business grade email, document storage, video conferencing, apps such as Outlook, Word, etc.

    • Ensuring prudent security and backup.


  • Steph Dyhrberg Barrister is up and running! Steph has an IT partner that will look after her.

  • What does this mean to you?

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