CASE STUDY - August 3rd, 2023
Steph decided to move out on her own as a Barrister. She had previously been a partner in a busy law firm.
Steph wanted IT to run her new small business efficiently and effectively. She wanted “wrap-around” support so that the IT works for her without distracting her any more than the minimum it needs to.
She would have two offices and needed to be able to work from either fully, as well as be mobile.
Steph had not used GTB before but knew them and knew she wanted them as her IT partner.
Support Steph during her period of transition and setting up the new business.
Help Steph decide on the best IT for her, and then supply and set up/configure, including:
A good laptop and hardware for two offices, including monitors, printers, etc.
Productivity tools from Microsoft 365 – business grade email, document storage, video conferencing, apps such as Outlook, Word, etc.
Ensuring prudent security and backup.
Steph Dyhrberg Barrister is up and running! Steph has an IT partner that will look after her.
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